It’s been the most amazing 7 years, but the time has come. We’re closing the doors to our store on Thursday 8th February 2024. This online store will remain open a few weeks longer, just until we’ve sold all remaining stock at bargain prices 🙂
10 years ago this week, as a shell-shocked first-time mum to a 4 month old, I opened up my kitchen to a handful of local mums who wanted to try on my slings. Soon it was 20 families each month… then I was doing All The Training Courses… offering 1:1 consultations 5 days a week… teaching NHS teams… recruiting a team of Wear My Baby Consultants across SE England… opening an online store in 2018… then a pop-up shop… then Real Life Shop in July 2019, with an awesome team of staff and experts. Emily (baby carrier trailblazer and my right hand), Rebecca, Tammy, Katie, Soshanna, Eszter, Camilla, Sonia, Jacqui, Colleen, Madeleine, Sarah and Sarah, Jen, Charlotte, Dora: love you all.
Today: I have 70 million YouTube views, 140,000 YouTube subscribers and the biggest UK babywearing advice page on TikTok. So I guess I have to accept the whole Influencer accolade now 🙂 Offering face-to-face support to new parents has always been my first love. But the reach we have now is just INSANE.
So expect to see more videos, tutorials, demos, Lives and INDEPENDENT advice and reviews from me in 2024 and beyond.
We’re also going to increase availability for video consultations with my team (Rebecca, Tammy, Eszter and Soshanna) so you can still get 1:1 babywearing support from the comfort of your own home and hire carriers from them too. And if you want tailored training for groups birth/health practitioners: get in touch!
Oh – and had you noticed I’ve taken over Izmi, a.k.a. The Best Baby Carrier Brand in the UK?! Izmi baby carriers and wraps have been my biggest seller of the last 7 years. Every day of my life, someone tells me ‘Oh my god, my Izmi has saved my sanity. Best sling ever.’ The stars aligned and I am very, VERY excited to grow Izmi and help more parents with my own baby carrier brand. Big things are afoot…!
Our store opening hours until 8th Feb 2024: 10am-2pm Tues and Weds, 10-5 Thurs and Sat.
Up to 70% off everything NOW in store and online.
PS – The economic climate is what it is: profit margins squeezed, everyone feeling the pinch and/or shopping at Amazon, changing shopping habits – you know the score. Every day I’m seeing more independent retailers close; so if you’ve got time and means to head to your local high street today, wherever that may be – please do.